Behavioral Health EHR Adoption Best Practices

Behavioral Health EHR Adoption Best Practices

Sometimes, even with the benefits an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system provides — such as reduced stress on personnel and higher productivity — companies are resistant to implement a new system. Still, it’s plain to see that EHR adoption is the wave of the future — and of huge benefit to your operation. Has your behavioral health company implemented an (EHR) system?

Why Adopt Behavioral Health EHRs?

Companies in all industries are switching to digital records– and with good reason. Digital records are easy to access, easy to correct and easy to understand — not to mention the reduction in waste and positive effects on the environment since they are paperless.

In fact, it appears the shift to EHR adoption for behavioral health and other medical practices is inevitable. Medicare is beginning to delay or deny reimbursements to inpatient behavioral health centers when there are any gaps in the adequate documentation of intake assessments, behavioral treatment plans or progress notes. Records are receiving increasing scrutiny from the government, and having an organized electronic health records system will likely make a real difference in the future regarding if and how quickly you will be reimbursed for claims.

Best Practices for Behavioral Health EHR Adoption

When you’re ready to move to an electronic health record system for your practice, it may seem like a daunting task. It doesn’t have to be, however, as long as you partner with the right EHR company that can provide you with all the software and information you need to make the transition quickly and smoothly. Once your records are in the system, it is practically self-explanatory, and you or your staff should be able to easily input, transfer and access records almost right away.

ICANotes is a comprehensive electronic health record system that was designed specifically for behavioral health needs by a clinical psychiatrist. When you install our software, you will enjoy a clinically robust EHR that should anticipate all your practice’s requirements for record generation and record keeping.

You can customize content to meet the specific needs of your business and create detailed electronic records with no typing or dictating necessary. You can use the system for scheduling, billing, prescribing and more. ICANotes complies with Medicare and Medicaid requirements and can save you documentation time, lower medical-legal risk and eliminate transcription expenses.

Try ICANotes for EHR Adoption for Behavioral Health Today!

We think that once you start using ICANotes for your electronic health record system, you will wonder how you ever did without it. It is intuitive, time-saving, accessible and the only EHR software that thinks like a clinician — because it was made by clinicians, for clinicians. In fact, we are so sure you will fall in love with this system right away, that we are happy to offer you not only a live demonstration but a free trial of the service as well. Contact us to get started today!